This week has been an exciting week of watching some of our hard work come to fruition!
Health and Fitness Group
Our health and fitness group have been working hard on creating a model of the heart and lungs to help people understand how blood and oxygen get around our body. They have also been working hard on creating some fitness programs to help our class get fit and healthy! These fitness programs will be put into play next week!
Waste Wise Group
Our waste wise group have been busy creating badges for our waste wise monitors to wear, creating posters to help people know what rubbish to put in what bin, and creating a presentation to share with our school to educate students on how they can be waste wise.

(Click to view presentation)
Upcycling Group
Our upcycling group has been busy bringing their designs to life by upcycling old jandals and other materials to bring some character to our common.

Money Group
Our money group has come up with the awesome idea to create a school 'coin collection'. If you have any money (old coins, notes, or money from other countries), then we would love for you to add to our collection. We are hoping for this to be a permanent 'coin' collection, so please only bring in coins/notes that you are willing to donate permanently.

Worm Farm Group
Our worm farm group have been using their new found knowledge to put together some information reports to help educate others about worms! Next steps include finishing off the painting and sourcing some worms!!!

(By Nathan Harrison)
Celebration Group
Our celebration group finished our week off with a bang! We celebrated all the cultures of our common with some of our students running workshops to share their knowledge with others. We had an amazing morning tea, which was so big that it became a shared lunch as well! It was a pleasure to see our children sharing what is special about their culture, and being able to watch everyone gain cultural experiences outside of their norms. Thank you so much to everybody that contributed to our shared morning tea, and to the parents behind the scenes of the workshops who helped their children prepare and therefore present such successful workshops.

New Immersion Phase...
This coming week we will be starting our new immersion phase. We will be exploring concepts around energy and how it is used. As part of this, we have a trip coming up on Thursday the 1st of June. Your child should have come home with a notice about this on Friday. Please return your permission slip as soon as possible so we can get everything organised from our end. We will need 15 parent helpers for this trip. Please use the permission slip to indicate if you are available to help. If your child did not bring a notice home on Friday, please get in touch with us so we can get one to you.
Upcycling Group
Our upcycling group has been busy bringing their designs to life by upcycling old jandals and other materials to bring some character to our common.
Money Group
Our money group has come up with the awesome idea to create a school 'coin collection'. If you have any money (old coins, notes, or money from other countries), then we would love for you to add to our collection. We are hoping for this to be a permanent 'coin' collection, so please only bring in coins/notes that you are willing to donate permanently.

Worm Farm Group
Our worm farm group have been using their new found knowledge to put together some information reports to help educate others about worms! Next steps include finishing off the painting and sourcing some worms!!!

(By Nathan Harrison)
Celebration Group
Our celebration group finished our week off with a bang! We celebrated all the cultures of our common with some of our students running workshops to share their knowledge with others. We had an amazing morning tea, which was so big that it became a shared lunch as well! It was a pleasure to see our children sharing what is special about their culture, and being able to watch everyone gain cultural experiences outside of their norms. Thank you so much to everybody that contributed to our shared morning tea, and to the parents behind the scenes of the workshops who helped their children prepare and therefore present such successful workshops.

New Immersion Phase...
This coming week we will be starting our new immersion phase. We will be exploring concepts around energy and how it is used. As part of this, we have a trip coming up on Thursday the 1st of June. Your child should have come home with a notice about this on Friday. Please return your permission slip as soon as possible so we can get everything organised from our end. We will need 15 parent helpers for this trip. Please use the permission slip to indicate if you are available to help. If your child did not bring a notice home on Friday, please get in touch with us so we can get one to you.