Our immersion learning has been pretty full on with the children taking part in their first rotation with Elizabeth, Kerry or Reid. Then Thursday saw us all head off to Auckland Zoo where we investigated Animal Classification with some great learning about how animals use energy.
"I like looking at the animals and seeing them eat".
"Its making animals sadder without their mums"
"I don't really like the animals in the zoos because their spaces are small than they would have in the wild, because animals like to run around".
"I think its bad because they might die because they don't like their environment"
"I think its good and bad, for the good its because they're being protected, its bad because they're separated from their family. So I think its good and bad, so a normal place".
We're starting a new rotation next week, so all children will be moving onto one of the aspects, that is either Sun & Solar Energy, Kitchen Chemistry, or Forces. The children have been highly engaged and this is leading to more questions, writing and discussion within the class.
Have a great long weekend, and we'll see you all on Tuesday.