If I could invent one thing to make the world a better place...
Our focus for this term is relating to Inventive Thinking. We have been busy inventing different creations. Some of us read 'The Toy House', then built a structure using cardboard. We have also begun creating our outdoor space, by planting flowers in planters outside our learning common.
In Maths, we are beginning our Measurement investigation. We had a great time trying to find out how heavy objects are (including ourselves).
Some of us have been busy creating structures to live in. Reading 'Making a Toy House', was helpful as it gave us tips on how to construct structures out of cardboard.
Julie Scott shared her series about Milly and the Chittens and Stephanie Thatcher shared her story 'The Quiet Pirate'. We loved reading their stories in the learning common.
P.E. & Fitness
We are also discussing ways to promote healthy living. We have been using the playground for circuit training. We are still getting to know each other, so team building activities have been a great way to get to know one another.