Saturday, 1 April 2017

Becoming Wastewise Masters..

This week we have had our minds completely and utterly blown as we have come to learn more about how to be waste wise and why it is so important! Thank you to Anna (Starr's Mum) for running it, and to all of the parents that volunteered to come along and support our trip.

Anna and Sarah taught us all about how we can be rubbish free by 2040 simply by:

Refusing to make more rubbish than we need to by making smart choices.
Reducing the amount of rubbish we send to the landfill by managing our waste properly.
Recycling our 'recyclables' so they can be re-used.
Re-using as many items as we can in different ways instead of adding to the landfill.
and Rotting our foods in a compost or worm farm so it can once again become part of nature's cycle.

We learned that nature has no rubbish...

and that it is people that create rubbish, which got us thinking "why do make rubbish?" (Isabel B). We also found out that to deal with our waste we break nature's cycle by filling Papatuanuku's (Mother Earth's) stomach with rubbish. This ends up creating a very poisonous substance that we can't do anything with!

We got to get close up and personal with some wiggly friends as we learned about tiger worms and how worm farming helps us reduce our waste.

We went on a tour of the Waitakere Refuse center and got to see how our waste is divided into different areas for specific purposes...

We were astounded to see just how much rubbish one part of Auckland can generate in just one morning collection...

We were also astounded to see what people can create with 'rubbish' if they put their minds to it!

It is safe to say that LC2 has caught the 'waste wise bug' and our minds are beginning to tick with ideas of what we could create for our common and how we can begin to reduce our waste both at our school and in our homes.