Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Beach Education Day at Mairangi Day

We had a beautiful day today at Mairangi Bay for our Beach Education trip. We learnt about the 5 safety rules when you are at the beach.

  1. Always swim between the flags
  2. Always make sure an adult is watching you
  3. Talk to the lifeguards
  4. Never swim or surf alone
  5. If in doubt, stay out.
We learnt about what to do if you are caught in a rip
  1. Stay calm
  2. Try to stand up
  3. Put your hand up
  4. Float on your back
It was a cool day.

Hot Cross Buns

Last Thursday our food project group made hot cross buns. We learnt about yeast and kneading bread. They were delicious!

Thursday, 17 March 2016

THE FUNNY POEM.I bet it will make you laugh, by Freya and Lucia

We like writing but we don't like thinking.

We like eating but we don't like drinking.

We like running but we don't like walking.

We like listening but we don't like talking.

We like cats but we don't like fleas.

WE LOVE PUPPIES but we don't like their WEES.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

What it's like in Lc2

In LC2 we have been working hard and we have new people in our class. We have 60 people in our class. Sometimes when people do target maths workshops we sit outside. Our whole common is changed. In our common it looks very different.

What Is Going On In Lc2 by Layla

Easy Blog Photo
So far LC2 is very busy, people are writing, doing maths and doing stuff like that. I've been doing crafts, drawing and blogging. So, basically, people have been really busy around here. Especially the teachers, they've been doing reading workshops, writing workshops and math workshops. I think all they want is a break. So that's what has been going on in LC2.


Thursday, 3 March 2016

Hello from HPPS

Easy Blog Photo
We have been learning about easy blogger because it is an easy way for our students to share their learning with the world😊. We have also been exploring the world of dispositions like noticing and reflecting. This is why we made the website because we want to share our learning with the world. I hope you Enjoy the website. Made by luke😄

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Digital Storytelling by Mikelis

We have been learning about digital story telling. 😄 It was fun learning about digital story telling  because you get to add sound effects. Once you add them you can publish it.